4 Saisons en provence



4 Saisons en provence

Address :
584 chemin des Collès
83440 St Paul en Forêt

E-mail : sarah.verspoor@gmail.com

Phone : 06 79 21 57 67

Legal form : SARL

SIRET : 878 305 309

Intra-Community VAT : FR82878305309


Wecade france sas
100 Chemin des Pres Bouvaux.
74600 Annecy
Tél : 07 83 02 30 12
@ :info@wecade.fr
Site :www.wecade.ch


PlanetHoster – 4416 Louis-B. Mayer, Laval, Québec Canada, H7P 0G1.

Intellectual property rights

The content of this website is legally protected. It is forbidden to copy or distribute it for commercial purposes, to modify it or to make it accessible to third parties.
The website is created according to the customer’s request. The customer defines the color(s), the tree structure, the content of the website when signing the contract and accepts its distribution when signing the minutes. Consequently, Wecade can in no way be held responsible for the content and graphics of the sites thus accessible, or for any collection and transmission of personal data, installation of cookies or any other process tending to the same purposes, carried out by these sites.


The website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. to enable an analysis of website usage.
The information generated by the use of Google Analytics and relating to your use of this website (including your IP address) is transmitted to a Google Inc. server in the USA and stored there.
Google uses this information only to analyse the website by creating anonymous ratings and graphs on the number of visitors, the number of pages viewed per user, etc.
This data is used by Wecade solely for market research purposes and to improve the presentation of this website as required.

Hypertext links

The site gives access to other sites via hypertext links.

Contact information

Legal notice – Website and referencing carried out by - Partner of